Online Will Plan

Online Will Plan


Robust Last Will & Testament Form

Create and customize a Last Will & Testament online with our online will form. This will template includes more than just a simple will template. This comprehensive estate planning package includes: (1) Last Will & Testament; (2) Durable Power of Attorney; (3) Living Will; and (4) HIPPA Release.

Save hundreds or thousands, without sacrificing quality


Create and customize a Last Will & Testament online with our will form. This will template includes more than just a simple will template. This comprehensive estate planning package includes:

  1. Last Will & Testament
  2. Durable Power of Attorney
  3. Living Will, and
  4. HIPPA Release

This package is ideal for individuals who have a simple estate and know what they want. While the cost of these documents are comparable to other online will forms, this is NOT a simple will template like you will see on other sites. These documents are robust estate planning documents drafted by an experienced estate planning attorney, specifically designed for Utahans. They are legally-binding upon execution.

This package is ideal for individuals who want to leave their property to a surviving spouse, or children, or if you don’t have a spouse or children to a specific person.

With this package you will:

  • Choose Who Receives Your Assets – designate in your Last Will & Testament who gets your assets when you pass
  • Choose Who Handles Your Affairsdesignate in your Last Will & Testament who is authorized to handle your affairs
  • Choose A Guardian for Your Minor Children – designate in your Last Will & Testament who the guardian of our minor children will be at your demise.
  • Specify Your Wishes Regarding Life Support – a living will is a legally binding document that specifies your legally binding wishes regarding life support and medical care.
  • Specify Your Desires Regarding Medical Care – a living will is a legally binding document that specifies the medical care you wish (or do not wish) to receive if you are unconscious.
  • Specify Who Has Legal Authority to handle your finances – this includes a power of attorney which grants that legal authority to another person to handle your finances if you can’t.
  • Authorize Health Care Provides to release information – authorization doctors, hospitals and other health care facilities to release your confidential information to your decision-maker.

After purchase you will have access to our online form that walks you through all the necessary questions to design the Last Will & Testament, Power of Attorney, and Living Will. After submission, you will receive an email with the estate planning documents that are ready to print and execute. You can either schedule an appointment to sign these documents in our offices or you can print them and sign them at a bank or credit union or other location in front of a notary public and two witnesses.

Other Descriptions: will template Utah, free will Utah, will online, will maker, and wills online.

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