Get the legal expertise your business needs to get started correctly.
Start a LLC, Corporation, partnership, or other business off on the right foot with the our business formation services. There are three primary considerations in determining the right business structure for your business:
Analysis of the product, service, or other business activity you will conduct, the number of owners, your projected revenue, and whether you anticipate raising capital or going public all play a role in determining the right business structure for your enterprise.
We can help you determine which business, tax structure, and the right jurisdiction is best for your business, so that you can focus on your business. With the assistance of our experienced business attorney, you can rest assured that the right corporate entity, jurisdiction, and all the other legalities are handled correctly.
We handle all types of business formations including LLCs and Corporations in all states. We offer complete business startup packages at an affordable fixed price. Our start-up packages include everything that you will need to get your business off the ground legally sound. We will register the business, tax accounts, owners/management agreement, and include everything in an organized binder.
Selecting the right entity structure is critical to your business.
If you know what business structure you need, start your business today with our Online Service Option and save $350.
We have over 20 years of legal experience to help you with your legal, business and estate planning needs:
Russell B. Weekes has over 18 years experiencing helping individuals, couples, and businesses achieve their legal goals.
491 N Bluff Street
Suite 201
St. George, Utah 84770
P: (801) 228-0251
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