The collective action against dōTERRA has been conditionally approved by the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah.

Purpose of Notice

This notice is to inform current and former hourly employees of dōTERRA International, LLC and dōTERRA, Inc. (collectively “dōTERRA”) who worked overtime and received non-discretionary bonuses about a collective action lawsuit that has been initiated against dōTERRA alleging violations of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. § 201 et seq. (the “FLSA”). The purpose of this collective action is to recover underpaid overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Additionally, the notice provides information and instructions to potential class members on how they can op-in and participate in the action. You may have the right to participate in this lawsuit, and this Notice explains how you may do so.

You are receiving this notice because dōTERRA’s records indicate that you were an hourly, employee of dōTERRA between October 6, 2020 and the present who worked more than forty (40) hours in a workweek and who earned a non-discretionary bonus. If you are a current or former hourly employee of doTERRA, it’s important to carefully review this notice and follow the provided instructions if you wish to be part of the collective action. This involves opting in or taking specific actions to join the group of individuals seeking to recover underpaid overtime.

Nature of the Lawsuit

Plaintiffs in this case (Current and former employees of doTERRA) have commenced a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Utah, case number 2:23-cv-00707-DBB (the “Action”) alleging dōTERRA willfully violated the FLSA by failing to pay certain employees’ overtime in the amount of 1.5 times their regular rate of pay without properly accounting for non-discretionary bonuses.

dōTERRA denies Plaintiffs’ claims in the Action.

The Court has taken no position on the merits of Plaintiff’s allegation in the Action.

Who Qualifies To Participate?

You may be eligible to participate in the Action if you are or were an hourlyemployee of dōTERRA at any time from October 6, 2020 to the present who: (1) worked more than forty (40) hours in any workweek; and (2) received a non-discretionary bonus.

If you qualify, you may be eligible to join the lawsuit and seek recovery for the claimed underpaid overtime wages and liquidated damages.

If you fall into this category and are interested in participating, the next step is to follow the instructions under the How Can I Participate section of this notice.

The Effect of Joining the Lawsuit

If you meet the eligibility requirements and follow the instructions in this notice to opt-in, you may become a member of the collective class plaintiffs seeking recovery for underpaid overtime wages and liquidated damages. As a member of the collective class, you will be bound by the court’s rulings and orders, judgment and/or settlement approved by the court.

If the case is successful, you may receive underpaid overtime compensation and liquidated damages. Plaintiffs’ counsel has agreed to take this case on a contingency basis. That means you will not have to pay for your attorney fees unless you recover funds in this case. If Plaintiffs obtain a recovery, either by settlement or judgment, Plaintiffs’ lawyers may, pursuant to the FLSA, file a request with the Court to receive part of the recovery as compensation for their services. Any settlement or fee award would require the Court’s approval as being fair and reasonable.

If you do not follow the instructions and opt-in, you will not be included in the collective action and will not receive any compensation from any judgment or settlement. You will retain the right to pursue your claims.

How Can I Participate?

You have the right to join, or not join, this case. If you qualify and wish to participate, you may join this case by completing, signing, and returning the enclosed “Consent to Join Collective Action Lawsuit” Form by mail or email to:

ATTN: Russell B. Weekes
491 N. Bluff St., Ste 201
St. George, Utah 84770

You may also join by completing at submitting the Consent to Join Collective Action Lawsuit for found on Plaintiff Counsel’s website at

If you have any questions, including questions about whether you qualify as a collective class member, the effects of participating as a member of the collective class, you may contact Plaintiff’s Counsel by calling or emailing Russell B. Weekes (801-228-0251 / or Jared Bramwell (801-495-2559;

You have the right to seek legal advice from your own counsel.

Please do not contact the Judge or the Clerk of Court.